National Statistical Committee plans to recruit temporary staff for the census

Publications: 21.02.2020

The National Statistical Committee informs that preparations for the Population and Housing Census 2020, which will be held from March 23 to April 1, 2020, are currently in full swing.

As noted earlier, the main difference from the paper-based censuses already conducted in 1999 and 2009 is that the forthcoming census for the first time will be conducted using methods of electronic data collection.

One of the main advantages of this method is the improved quality of the received data, reduction of the data processing time and most importantly, the ability to quickly identify and eliminate errors. In addition, it has become possible to prepare various forms of electronic distribution of publications with a large number of tables in Excel format, booklets describing its main results using infographics, as well as other forms of distribution.

To this end, the National Statistical Committee plans to recruit temporary staff for the census period. Preference will be given to the Kyrgyz citizens aged 18 or older who have previously taken part in a census or any statistical sample survey. In addition, a prerequisite for the employment is the presence of a mobile phone running the operating system on version Android 5 and above.

If you have any questions regarding the employment, please contact the regional state statistical departments at the following telephone numbers:

Last updating: 21.02.2020, 17:00