Publications published by National Statistical Committee

General socio-economic publications

# Publications
1 "Kyrgyzstan" brief statistical handbook
2 Kyrgyz Republic and regions
3 Kyrgyzstan in figures
4 Main socio-economic indicators by CIS countries
5 Social economic situation of the Kyrgyz Republic
6 Social trends of the Kyrgyz Republic
7 Statistical Yearbook of the Kyrgyz Republic
8 The environment in the Kyrgyz Republic
9 Tourism in Kyrgyzstan

Real sector

# Publications
1 Activities of enterprises with foreign investments in the Kyrgyz Republic
2 Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic
3 Consumer market of the Kyrgyz Republic
4 Consumer price indices for goods and services to the population
5 Employment and unemployment. Results of the integrated sample survey of household and labour force budgets
6 Finance of enterprices of the Kyrgyz Republic
7 Fuel and energy balance
8 Information and communication technologies of the Kyrgyz Republic
9 Input-output tables of production and use of goods and services of the Kyrgyz Republic
10 Inventories of inventories of enterprises of the real sector of the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic
11 Investments in the Kyrgyz Republic
12 Key indicators of postal, courier and communication services production in 2022
13 Main economic indicators for the industry of the Kyrgyz Republic
14 Main indicators of trade and services
15 Main results of investment and construction activities
16 Manufacturing industry of the Kyrgyz Republic
17 National accounts of the Kyrgyz Republic
18 On the activities of the markets of the Kyrgyz Republic
19 On the harvesting of agricultural crops
20 Prices in the Kyrgyz Republic
21 Prices in the Kyrgyz Republic (Quarterly)
22 Profit formation of enterprises of the real sector of the economy
23 Report on fodder procurement
24 Small and medium business in the Kyrgyz Republic
25 State of mutual settlements of enterprises of the real sector of the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic
26 The final report on the size of the area of agricultural crops by regions and districts of the Kyrgyz Republic
27 The results of the one-time registration of livestock and poultry for the Kyrgyz Republic

External sector

# Publications
1 External and mutual trade of the Kyrgyz Republic (annual publication)
2 Foreign and mutual trade of the Kyrgyz Republic in goods (bulletin)
3 Mutual trade in goods of the Kyrgyz Republic with the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (bulletin)

Social sector

# Publications
1 Crime and public order in the Kyrgyz Republic
2 Demographic yearbook of the Kyrgyz Republic
3 Education and science in the Kyrgyz Republic
4 Environment of Kyrgyz Republic
5 Food security and poverty information bulletin of the Kyrgyz Republic
6 Health of the population and Health Care in the Kyrgyz Republic
7 Surveys Time Budget
8 The level of poverty in the Kyrgyz Republic
9 The standard of living of the population of the Kyrgyz Republic
10 Women and men in the Kyrgyz Republic

Special edition

# Publications
1 20 years independence of the Kyrgyz Republic
2 Child Poverty and Deprivation Index in the Kyrgyz Republic
3 Control over the traffic in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors in the Kyrgyz Republic
4 Crime and public order in the Kyrgyz Republic
5 Gender in society perception study
6 Green growth indicators in the system of the national statistical committee
7 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on households
8 MICS Follow-up Survey on Covid-19 impact on children and women in Kyrgyzstan
9 Monitoring of the Sustainable Development indicators in the Kyrgyz Republic
10 National Multidimensional Poverty Index of the Kyrgyz Republic
11 Older people in the Kyrgyz Republic
12 On development of the system of national indicators of water, food and energy security of the Kyrgyz Republic
13 Population and Housing Census of the Kyrgyz Republic 2022
15 Results of the 2013 pilot agricultural census
16 Statistics in maps
17 Sustainable Development Goals and Gender in the Kyrgyz Republic
18 Sustainable Development Goals and Youth in the Kyrgyz Republic
19 Victimisation survey in Bishkek and pilot new buildings (based on 2018 results)
20 Working children in the Kyrgyz Republic
21 Youth in the Kyrgyz Republic 2014-2018.
22 ‘30 Years of Independence of the Kyrgyz Republic’

Financial sector

# Publications
1 Key performance indicators of leasing organisations of the Kyrgyz Republic
2 Key performance indicators of the enterprises of the financial sector of the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic
3 Microcredit

Статистикалык каттоолор

# Publications
1 Population and Housing Census of the Kyrgyz Republic 2022