"Everyone counts in Kyrgyzstan!” Address of the Chairman of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic Baktybek Kudaibergenov
Publications: 22.03.2022

Dear compatriots!
The Population and Housing Census will be conducted in Kyrgyzstan this year. This large-scale activity of state importance is conducted traditionally once every ten years. Since the independence of Kyrgyzstan the upcoming census is going to be a third one. The first national Population and Housing Census of the Kyrgyz Republic was conducted in 1999, the second one –in 2009.
The uniqueness of the forthcoming Census is that it shall be conducted in e-format for the first time. This will ensure not only the efficiency and effectiveness of data collection from respondents but also the convenience for enumerators to get information.
Currently, the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is actively engaged in implementation of this very important activity for the country. The temporary personnel involved in Census are trained actively. The involved personnel are coordinators, supervisors, enumerators and employees of the National Statistical Committee. First of all, this personnel must know and understand the importance of the census, have all necessary information related to the Population and Housing Census of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The census campaign will involve about 28.000 people from all regions of Kyrgyzstan, of which 25.000 are enumerators. All of them must have mobile devices of Android-5 and above.
The citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic aged 18 and over, who is physically active, speaks the state and official languages and has good command of using the mobile application can become the enumerator. Taking into account that in urban areas the bulk of population are students of Higher education establishments who have skills of using mobile application we decided to engage them in census as enumerators.
Speaking about the format of conducting the Population and Housing Census, I would like to draw your attention to questionnaires. These are five census questionnaires. The questionnaires contain more than 40 core questions as a whole. The questions are simple: how many people live in a family (household), the level of education, age composition, in what conditions they live, how long they live in this place, sources of livelihood, nationality, citizenship, language skills, do they work at this time and e.t.c. One of the household members can reply for all them.
I would like to emphasize that in order to avoid the spread of coronavirus infection the National Statistical Committee jointly with the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic developed the algorithm of actions to prevent its spread during the census. At the same time, there are certain requirements not only for training but also for the process of conducting the population census itself. The National Statistical Committee purchased the individual protection means under the financial support of development partners and now the National Statistical Committee and its territorial bodies are fully ready to conduct the upcoming census.
It is important that results of the census will be widely used both in the field of demographic and social policy and for specification of trends, forecasts and strategic programs for social and economic development of the country and its regions regarding labor resources movement, employment, migration and etc. Thus, the census provides the picture of society to evaluate its condition, economy, social sphere, which will help the top leadership of the country to solve certain problems more efficiently.
The Census is conducted under the slogan “Everyone counts in Kyrgyzstan!”. Taking this opportunity, I call on our esteemed residents of Kyrgyzstan to take active part in the Population and Housing Census of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Сhairman of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic
Baktybek Kudaibergenov