A compendium ‘Prices in the Kyrgyz Republic’ has been prepared

Publications: 16.09.2024

The publication ‘Prices in the Kyrgyz Republic for the I-II quarters of 2024’ contains the main indicators characterising the level and changes in prices and tariffs for goods and services in the consumer market, indices of producer prices for industrial products and agricultural products sold, indices of tariffs for communication services and freight transportation. The information is given for the republic as a whole and in the context of oblasts, Bishkek city and Osh city. The data on the level of average prices for the main types of consumer goods in some CIS countries are also presented.

The publication was published for government officials, economists, statisticians and other categories of users.

The electronic version of the collection is available for users on the official website of the National Statistical Committee (www.stat.gov.kg) in the ‘Publications’ section at the following link https://www.stat.gov.kg/ru/publications/sbornik-ceny-v-kyrgyzskoj-respublike/.


Last updating: 18.09.2024, 15:33