For the first time since the beginning of the year, there has been a positive trend in economic growth
Publications: 12.10.2021
The gross domestic product in January-September of this year, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to more than 485 billion soms and, compared to January-September 2020, increased by 0.1 percent.
Excluding for the Kumtor development enterprises, the volume of GDP in January-September of this year amounted to more than 444 billion soms and increased by 3.6 percent.
Gross domestic product
(as a percentage of the corresponding period of the previous year)
The volume of industrial production in January-September 2021 amounted to more than 233 billion soms and, compared to January-September last year, decreased by 4.2 percent due to a decrease in the production of pharmaceutical products (by 42.0 percent), chemical products (by 35, 0 percent), basic metals and finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment (by 21.2 percent), as well as in textile production, clothing and footwear, leather and leather products (by 2.7 percent).
Industrial production volume
(as a percentage of the corresponding period of the previous year)
Negative trends were observed in construction, where the decrease in volumes was 7.2 percent, in agriculture - 5.0 percent, while in wholesale and retail trade, on the contrary, there was an increase in sales by 10.3 percent.
In January-September of this year (compared to December of the previous year), the increase in consumer prices and tariffs in the country as a whole amounted to 6.5 percent. At the same time, prices for food products and non-alcoholic beverages increased by 7.4 percent, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products - by 9.8 percent, non-food products - by 6.4 percent, tariffs for services rendered to the population - by 2.4 percent.
The increase in consumer prices and tariffs in January-September of this year (compared to December of the previous year) was observed in all regions of the republic. Meanwhile, the maximum increase in prices (9.6 percent) was recorded in the Jalal-Abad region, which is due to the largest, in comparison with other regions, increase in prices for non-food products (by 12.7 percent) and alcoholic beverages and tobacco products (by 11 , 9 percent).
The volume of foreign and mutual trade in goods of the Kyrgyz Republic in January-August 2021 amounted to US $ 4.3 billion and increased by 19.7 percent compared to January-August 2020, while export supplies decreased by 19.5 percent, and import receipts, on the contrary, increased by 41.4 percent.
The volume of mutual trade of the Kyrgyz Republic with the EAEU member states in January-August 2021 amounted to USD 2.0 billion and increased by 25.8 percent compared to January-August 2020. At the same time, export supplies increased by 29.9 percent, import receipts - by 24.5 percent.
The largest share of the republic's mutual trade with the EAEU member states in January-August fell on Russia (65.4 percent) and Kazakhstan (32.2 percent).
Mutual trade of the Kyrgyz Republic with the EAEU member states
(as a percentage of the corresponding period of the previous year)
Import Export
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