Average per capita income (soms per month)

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023  
Kyrgyz Republic 5 684.7 5 625.4 6 647.8 7 948.4 9 716
Batken oblast 5 346.5 5 386.9 6 205.4 7 531.8 9 877.4
Jalal-Abat oblast 5 293.2 5 415 6 672.2 8 253.9 10 327.6
Yssyk-Kul oblast 5 719.5 6 433.8 7 173.2 9 114.5 10 105.3
Naryn oblast 4 663.7 4 588.5 5 808.8 7 096.2 8 290.5
Osh oblast (until 2013 y. including Osh city) 5 914.4 5 700.5 6 922.4 7 828.4 9 512.8
Talas oblast 4 834.5 5 262.9 5 732.5 6 986.7 8 406.2
Chui oblast 6 116.3 5 774.7 6 755.1 7 975.8 9 298
Bishkek city 6 340.8 6 012.9 6 946.2 8 484.1 10 767.1
Osh city 4 892.3 4 770 5 523.1 5 919.1 7 581.1
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR www.stat.kg..