Number of morbidity of patients by active tuberculosis by sex and age (cases)

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023  
men 2 921 2 014 2 192 2 274 2 142
0-4years (before 1996 0-9 years, before 2021 0-6 years,) 57 37 57 46 47
5-14 years (before 1996 10-14 years, before 2021 7-14 years ) 113 58 60 134 99
15-17 years (before 1996 15-19 years) 101 62 52 55 70
18-24 years (before 1996 20-39 years) 597 367 372 392 404
25-34 years 551 353 447 403 407
35-44 years 416 293 323 330 310
45-54 years (before 1993 40-59 years, in 2002 45-59 years) 422 346 324 330 319
55-59 years (before 2021 55-64 years) 395 270 317 348 128
60years and older (before 1993 and in 2002 60 and older,before 2021 65 older) 269 228 240 236 358
women 2 175 1 504 1 699 1 764 1 602
0-4years (before 1996 0-9 years, before 2021 0-6 years,) 47 23 43 34 40
5-14 years (before 1996 10-14 years, before 2021 7-14 years ) 84 57 78 116 81
15-17 years (before 1996 15-19 years) 70 54 69 43 71
18-24 years (before 1996 20-39 years) 432 272 307 286 285
25-34 years 488 362 391 419 319
35-44 years 285 181 210 188 189
45-54 years (before 1993 40-59 years, in 2002 45-59 years) 203 145 160 184 148
55-59 years (before 2021 55-64 years) 261 197 194 209 79
60years and older (before 1993 and in 2002 60 and older,before 2021 65 older) 305 213 247 285 390
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR