Financial indicators by types enterprise of non-financial sectors (mln. som)

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023  
Sales procceds (gross revenue) from sales of products, goods, works and services 464 322.8 494 598.9 632 638.4 776 885.8 943 261
Sales procceds (gross revenue) from sales of products, goods, works and services
Non-operatinge incomes, outlays (-) -8 743.7 -60 494.7 -18 461.6 8 609.1 -38 794.9
Non-operatinge incomes, outlays (-)
Balanced financial result (profit minus loss) 47 720.3 10 618.7 94 003.4 154 343.7 138 977.9
Profits of enterprises 68 187.9 81 434.3 125 239.4 195 288.8 211 873.9
Loses of enterprises 20 467.6 70 815.6 31 236 40 945.1 72 895.9
Expenses for production (works, services) and sales 407 742.3 423 015.4 520 169.8 631 147.9 765 402.8
Expenses for production (works, services) and sales
Financial assets 156 124.3 228 167.1 228 162.7 317 280.7 384 646.6
Monetary assets 49 621.6 62 328.9 102 885.1 140 903.2 164 603.4
Cash 16 522.7 18 838 24 094.6 32 873.9 44 549.4
Bank deposits 20 057.4 23 913 44 598.9 51 464.1 64 384.4
Foreign currency deposits 12 951.2 19 392.4 33 791.5 56 360.6 55 370.1
Other monetary assets 90.3 185.5 400.1 204.6 299.5
Credits and loans 403 548.9 481 166.8 531 498.9 572 555.3 620 544.7
Inventories 209 989.7 216 331.2 251 445.4 307 045.9 502 784.3
Production stocks (raw materials) 51 060.1 52 909.6 60 708.3 81 298.8 89 501.7
Finished goods 18 387 18 834.9 23 747 33 045.6 28 746.5
Goods for resale 64 612.7 71 734.7 86 239.8 100 638.3 240 217
Work-in-process 58 762.1 54 666.6 59 625.8 66 414.9 112 375.8
Value of fixed assets at beginning of year 454 247.2 471 863.1 508 712.7 551 169.3 595 534.3
Value of fixed assets at end of year 470 363.4 507 473.2 548 112.2 597 366.9 682 122
Average value of fixed assets during year 462 305.3 489 668.1 528 412.5 574 268.1 638 828.1
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR