non CIS

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023  
non CIS 999 212.1 487 725.4 787 338.4 959 816.5 566 135.9
Australia 531.3 271.2 1 608.9 72.2 538.2
Austria 2.2 3.7 6.7 36 300.6
Afghanistan 1 317.9 1 110.3 1 496.4 656.8 1.4
Bangladesh 0.2 0.1
Belgium 2.6 19.8 1.2
Bulgaria 16.3 85.5 74.2
Hungary 16 000 4.9
Virgin islands (united kingdom) 1 978.8 777.6 7 338.8 8 873.4 8 739.8
Virgin islands (USA) 3.7
United kingdom 73 201.5 26 129.5 54 727.3 37 771.2 42 872.5
Germany 3 313.9 3 669.8 10 963.3 38 577.1 3 276.7
China Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 37.8 19.6 459.2
Guatemala 8.8
Georgia 1 18.4 4.4 0.1
Denmark 0.2 0.7 0.1
Egypt 31.6 32.3 59 175.4 0.1
Israel 9 99.2 14.9 1 465 609.6
India 5.7 4.3 943.6 415.8 390.7
Jordan 339.4 208 1 579.8 3 241.7 3 641.8
Iran, i.r. of 157.1 165.4 493.7 380 473.1
Ireland 49.1 76.4 0.3 0.4
Spain 0.3
Italy 45 4.1 2 592.9 1 815.4 775.3
Cayman islands 278.1 100.2 1.1
Canada 259 240.7 154 961.1 3 978.8 5 837.3 111
Katar 178.1 323.6 16.4 9.1 0.1
Cyprus 34 055.1 5 239.5 30 603.2 33 638.2 20 340.3
China 338 052.8 136 116.3 334 738.6 326 025.8 280 684.7
Korea republic 1 306.9 2 448.5 374.9 8 346.2 8 085.7
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Cuba 43.8 73.8
Kuwait 15.3 15.5 2 687.6 87.8
Latvia 12.1 44.9 63.9 89.2 188.7
Lebanon 1.4 3.8
Lithuania 0.1 71.9 199.4 128.5 471.9
Luxembourg 573.5 4 039.8 4 799 8 881 9 429.2
Republic of Macedonia 131.4 95.1 85.9 362.8
Malta 52.1 8.5 178.3 337.3 207.8
Morocco 1.1 11.5
Mongolia 846.7 0.2 21.1 0.2
Nigeria 11.4 11 39.5
Netherlands 61 430 56 275.4 64 888.9 62 110.3 29 863.8
New Zealand 25.9 5.2 20.2
Norway 25.2
Channel islands
United arab emirates 61.3 81 2 569.3 16 188.9 33 780.2
Pakistan 1 550.5 2 046.6 1 208.4 4 438.4 6 853.6
Palestine 0.4
Poland 16.4 1.5 78.8 295.1
Samoa 7.1 139.9
Saudovskya Araviya 345.5 262 82.8 90.4 217.2
Seychelles 391.3 482.5 994.4 170.6
Singapore 51.7 89.8 373.1 586.5 1 814.6
Syrian arab republic 0.2
Slovakia 0.1
St. Christopher and Nevis
USA 6 594.7 6 262 5 246.9 10 692.4 18 760.4
Turkey 94 565.5 24 296.1 237 912.5 341 166.8 37 045.9
Philippines 0.2
Finland 0.8 1.4
France 348.6 231 958.5 1 220.5 964.3
Czech republic 76.3 12 295.3 12.7 186.1 476.1
Switzealand 103 263.7 39 866.4 9 341.3 16 399.8 26 495.3
Sweden 19.3 25.2
Sri Lanka 0.2
Estonia 0.1 101.9 166.9
Japan 5 872.7 606.1 679.5 7 557.2 2 690.9
European Bank of reconstruction and development
Other international organizations 9 751.2 7 950.9 5 971.9 2 636.1 24 966.2
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR