Gross regional product (GRP) by types of economical activity in current prices 1

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023  
Items 2 019 2 020 2 021 2 022 2 023
Gross regional product 75 474.2 68 566.8 87 275.7 108 126.9 144 613.9
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 13 125.4 13 278.8 18 845.9 21 181.6 22 766.6
Mining 9 270.9 5 233.7 11 783 10 949.6 13 382.4
Manufacturing 2 473.3 2 143 1 877.7 5 143.8 9 565.7
Electricity, gas and steam production, distribution and supply 5 955.7 8 071.3 5 929.4 5 280.7 9 378.1
Water supply, waste treatment and disposal 102.2 119.2 130.2 153.1 192.9
Construction 8 616.8 4 753.9 7 400 7 765.9 13 784
Trade: repair of transport means 13 422.4 10 778.4 14 116.2 18 945.7 25 119.4
Transportation and storage 546.3 419.7 498.3 819.6 1 517.5
Accommodation and food service activities 1 053.1 644.1 942.8 1 456.9 2 160.4
Information and communication 252.2 156.9 208.1 200.6 218.6
Financial and insurance activities 1 900.6 2 311.6 2 335.2 6 455.4 6 910.5
Real estate activities 4 710.5 5 264.6 5 985 6 312.5 9 274.6
Professional, scientific and technical activities 1 023.9 490.3 932.1 699.8 1 264.2
Administrative and support service activities 96.7 121.1 114.3 127 132.4
Public administration and defence; social security 3 128.8 3 806.1 3 875.3 4 982.9 5 692
Education 4 929.6 6 181.1 6 458.6 9 821 12 073.9
Human health and social work activities 2 273.1 2 476.9 2 774.2 3 620.4 4 288.3
Arts, entertainment and recreation 330.4 336.7 274.1 492.6 713.8
Other service activities 1 327.5 1 138.6 1 311.5 1 537.6 1 976.8
Indirectly measured services of financial intermediation (FISIM)
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 33.9 16.9 39.8 45.7 44.3
Net taxes on products 900.9 823.9 1 444 2 134.5 4 157.5
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR