Gross regional product (GRP) by types of economical activity in current prices 1

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023  
Items 2 019 2 020 2 021 2 022 2 023
Gross regional product 47 588.8 50 996.5 60 550.7 77 621.9 96 701
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 12 805.7 15 529.8 19 625.8 23 151.6 25 221.9
Mining 1 239.5 539.5 1 519.8 1 034 1 315
Manufacturing 3 810.4 4 096.7 5 139.8 6 850 8 155.9
Electricity, gas and steam production, distribution and supply 116.5 461.6 105.5 256.3 535.2
Water supply, waste treatment and disposal 54.8 63.9 67.1 80.2 111
Construction 2 618.2 2 308.5 1 210.5 4 037.8 7 050.7
Trade: repair of transport means 10 305.8 8 966.7 11 879.8 11 904.4 17 195.2
Transportation and storage 442.6 695.5 791 1 014.4 1 051.7
Accommodation and food service activities 372.7 549.2 545.5 677 1 026.9
Information and communication 10.9 12.7 21.2 24.9 15.3
Financial and insurance activities 1 301.8 1 436.1 1 477.5 4 184.1 4 621.5
Real estate activities 4 722.1 4 951.8 5 213.2 5 442.7 6 784.3
Professional, scientific and technical activities 223.2 223.6 259.2 361 464.8
Administrative and support service activities 58.5 81.1 64.3 65.4 170.8
Public administration and defence; social security 1 734.1 2 013.5 2 214.6 2 886.2 2 723.7
Education 4 796.8 5 921.5 6 096.8 9 844.8 12 148.7
Human health and social work activities 1 834.9 2 061.2 2 767 3 868.9 4 881.6
Arts, entertainment and recreation 119.3 136.8 161.2 289.1 373.7
Other service activities 310.5 238.9 339.2 322.1 384.4
Indirectly measured services of financial intermediation (FISIM)
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 24.6 12.4 28.9 36.7 36
Net taxes on products 685.9 695.5 1 022.8 1 290.3 2 432.7
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR