Gross regional product (GRP) by types of economical activity in current prices 1

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023  
Items 2 019 2 020 2 021 2 022 2 023
Gross regional product 16 899.5 17 902.5 31 340.8 39 161.4 41 087.6
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 6 054.8 6 951.3 8 737.2 8 790.3 9 774
Mining 1.4 15.6 15.6 1.8 15.1
Manufacturing 244.7 409.6 9 684.4 13 139.3 12 983
Electricity, gas and steam production, distribution and supply 189 263.1 4.4 54.9 148.8
Water supply, waste treatment and disposal 15.7 13.5 25.9 21.6 40.2
Construction 1 237.9 668.1 867.1 631.7 1 588.3
Trade: repair of transport means 3 943.6 3 696.4 4 594.2 5 486 3 312
Transportation and storage 268.4 218.9 1 208.1 2 279.5 2 722.2
Accommodation and food service activities 107.1 34.6 60 97.2 212.5
Information and communication 56.3 42.9 50.3 60.2 59.4
Financial and insurance activities 517.3 612.7 654.3 1 741.9 1 941.3
Real estate activities 1 026.3 1 159.5 1 304.7 1 238.2 1 437.8
Professional, scientific and technical activities 48.7 102.2 215.5 78.7 130.5
Administrative and support service activities 7.3 15.3 6.8 77.3 110.4
Public administration and defence; social security 983.3 1 074.8 1 182.2 1 467.3 1 615
Education 1 249.9 1 535.6 1 613.4 2 384.5 2 873.2
Human health and social work activities 450.1 525.8 584.3 776.9 921.3
Arts, entertainment and recreation 115.8 108 117.8 201.9 222.5
Other service activities 121.5 84.8 131.4 149.6 163.8
Indirectly measured services of financial intermediation (FISIM)
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 6.4 3.5 8.5 10.4 10.7
Net taxes on products 254 366.3 274.7 472.2 805.6
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR