Gross regional product (GRP) by types of economical activity in current prices 1

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023  
Items 2 019 2 020 2 021 2 022 2 023
Gross regional product 36 690.2 36 415.2 42 700.6 58 973.7 74 819.8
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 409.1 440.6 444.2 520.3 589.2
Mining 1.3
Manufacturing 795.8 933.1 844.4 1 418.8 1 953.5
Electricity, gas and steam production, distribution and supply 1 244 3 376.7 1 105.8 1 308.2 876.2
Water supply, waste treatment and disposal 178.4 164.2 173.2 210.3 280.2
Construction 2 950.1 2 946.6 3 522.1 5 355.8 9 834.8
Trade: repair of transport means 12 035.2 10 413.1 13 811.5 16 087.1 18 910.2
Transportation and storage 1 546.9 712 2 157.3 3 002.2 3 142.6
Accommodation and food service activities 1 359.8 1 198.3 997.3 885.2 1 793
Information and communication 422.7 654.4 458.4 438.5 559
Financial and insurance activities 1 099.4 1 448.8 1 488.3 4 274.8 4 195
Real estate activities 2 810.7 2 501.3 2 946.8 2 770.4 4 698.7
Professional, scientific and technical activities 259.7 212.4 301.8 370.4 585.6
Administrative and support service activities 125.1 114.8 131.1 135.9 304.5
Public administration and defence; social security 2 658.1 2 928.1 2 914.5 3 786.2 4 939.2
Education 2 774.5 3 339.2 3 945.3 5 601.6 6 395
Human health and social work activities 607.8 847.4 618 741.5 1 023.4
Arts, entertainment and recreation 180.3 167.5 191.7 317.1 475.6
Other service activities 358.1 348.2 429.6 1 000.6 1 337.6
Indirectly measured services of financial intermediation (FISIM)
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 9.4 4.5 10.9 13.4 12.9
Net taxes on products 4 865.1 3 664 6 208.4 10 734.1 12 913.6
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR