- Coverage of children with basic general education (grades -) by gender and territory
- Graduation of students of educational institutions of higher professional education in the territory
- Graduation from secondary special educational institutions territory
- Number of graduated students of education organization by territory
- Number of graduated students by types of organization, patterns of ownership
- Graduation from vocational schools by territory
- Graduation from general educational schools by territory
- Literacy of population
- Coverage of children with preschool education in urban settlements and rural areas by territory
- Coverage of children with secondary general education by sex and territory
- Distribution of the number of students in daytime general education organizations by language of instruction
- Number of teachers by types of organization and patterns of ownership
- Number of teachers by types of organization and patterns of ownership
- The number of children in pre-school organizations
- Number of children and students by territory
- Number of preschool children and students by types of organization, patterns of ownership and territory
- Number of preschool children and students by types of organization, patterns of ownership and territory
- Number of preschool children and students by sex
- Number of women-teachers (without off-hour job) of day time public schools by territory
- Number of admitted students by types of organization, patterns of ownership and territory
- Number of admitted students by types of organization, patterns of ownership and territory
- Number of admitted students by types of organization, patterns of ownership and territory
- The number of students from countries outside the CIS
- The number of students from countries outside the CIS
- Number of students from CIS countries
- The number of students in higher educational institutions by territory
- The number of students in secondary special educational schools by territory
- The number of students in daytime general educational schools by territory
- The number of students in vocational schools by territory
- Number of educational institutions
- Number of educational institutions
- Number of educational institutions by types, patterns of ownership and territory
Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..
Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR