nterance of direct foreign investment by type of activity (NACE, rev. ) (thsd.dollars USA)

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  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021  
Total 616 793.1 851 743.6 1 076 918.7 537 553.8 698 405.2
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 21.8 2 327.6 149.1 276.2 1 876.6
Mining and quarrying 80 995.2 91 845.7 99 480.9 80 925.9 92 469.2
Manufacturing 186 333.7 376 441.7 340 804.6 259 133 277 845.5
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 79 828.6 15 830.6 10 595.7 9.5 2 413.8
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 3.8 9.7 7.6 15.5
Construction 3 070.6 71 859.5 56 015.7 24 261.6 5 621.5
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 30 550.6 34 533.2 36 144.1 28 446.3 46 388.5
Transportation and storage 104.8 8 726.8 18 535.7 654.9 573.5
Accommodation and food service activities 2 624.7 638.2 832.8 759.8 913.2
Information and communication 14 422.4 52 603.8 138 479.6 38 696.1 46 506.9
Financial and insurance activities 81 475.8 53 939.5 62 669.5 42 895.5 51 031.6
Real estate activities 1.1 729.6 1 029.7 721.9 4 294.5
Professional, scientific and technical activities 132 449.4 142 129 309 563.2 59 126.4 161 884.6
Administrative and support service activities 123.3 76.1 2 246.9 147.6 1 399.5
Public administration and defence, compulsory social security
Education 6.1 0.8 0.5 20.9
Human health and social work activities 73 8.1 121.8 393.4 4 221.5
Arts, entertainment and recreation 4 712 181.1 919.7 840.5
Other service activities 50.4 57.8 177.9 87.9
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR www.stat.kg..