
  2020 2021 2022 2023 2024  
Total 3 367 906 3 432 105 3 495 501 3 557 292 3 619 035
< 1 years 83 475 75 780 71 596 72 092 70 352
1 years 82 928 84 543 77 008 71 587 72 216
2 years 70 976 79 226 80 544 77 035 71 646
3 years 76 710 74 706 83 283 80 542 77 078
4 years 81 799 80 448 78 763 83 267 80 533
5 years 78 008 78 548 76 890 78 735 83 261
6 years 76 053 78 839 79 429 76 879 78 745
7 years 74 302 74 497 77 152 79 414 76 880
8 years 71 422 73 998 74 141 77 121 79 396
9 years 69 250 70 437 72 936 74 121 77 127
10 years 62 740 68 980 70 127 72 905 74 108
11 years 59 456 66 688 73 237 70 088 72 906
12 years 65 185 61 302 68 653 73 211 70 080
13 years 61 651 68 479 64 855 68 623 73 223
14 years 53 212 55 198 61 421 64 803 68 603
15 years 54 897 53 872 55 901 61 375 64 768
16 years 52 531 56 060 55 139 55 909 61 384
17 years 48 607 50 757 54 127 55 133 55 949
18 years 49 221 51 396 53 762 54 135 55 145
19 years 52 256 50 670 52 943 53 748 54 162
20-24 years 272 489 266 960 262 756 263 726 264 536
25-29 years 285 164 281 785 279 630 275 556 274 116
30-34 years 271 692 277 629 276 992 279 591 280 316
35-39 years 217 948 228 648 243 044 252 846 261 989
40-44 years 192 565 197 614 203 553 209 548 217 020
45-49 years 173 733 175 667 178 493 182 780 187 204
50-54 years 160 891 163 667 166 482 168 676 169 736
55-59 years 156 413 156 529 156 966 157 047 159 086
60-64 years 122 941 131 313 137 927 143 529 147 053
65-69 years 83 711 88 051 94 144 100 519 108 483
70-74 years 47 412 54 277 57 458 63 161 68 613
75-79 years 22 638 20 141 21 507 24 984 30 495
80-84 years 22 802 22 218 21 186 20 047 17 594
85+ years 12 828 13 182 13 456 14 559 15 232
Лицензия Creative Commons

Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR www.stat.kg..