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- Institute of statistical research
- Mr. Baktybek Kudaibergenov
- Mr. Bakytbek Shokenov
- Tekeeva Liuksina Aigufovna
- Media-plan
- Mrs. Elmira Alymkulova
- Statistical agencies of other countries
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- Infographic
- The state authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic
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- Санарип аймак
- Regional statistics
- Regional statistics
- Eurasian Economic Union
- Mr. Zainidin Zhumaliev
- Семинар 22-23 октябрь 2021 год
- Statistical census
- Press conferences
- Gender statistics
- Regulation of information providing
- Territorial bodies of the National Statistical Committee, providing paid services
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- Population confidence index
- Inform about corruption
- Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on official statistics
- Public discussion
- National Sustainable Development Strategy
- Council on statistics
- Administrative regulation
- Statistics of Naryn region
- Statistics of Osh City
- Socio-economic situation of regions
- Publication of regional bodies of state statistics
- Statistics of Chui region
- Statistics about children
- Statistics of Talas region
- Degree of intelligent data center
- The structure of the Main Computing Center
- Statistics of Bishkek City
- Statistics of Batken region
- Statistics of Djalal-Abad region
- Seminar on human resources management for the NSC, Issyk-Kul region, 11-13 July, 2015.
- Section 1. Organization of the system of official statistics in the Kyrgyz Republic
- Statistics of Issyk-Kul region
- Statistics of Osh region
- Analytical notes
- Open Data Portal of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Millenium development goals
- Terms of Use of Materials of the Website of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Ads of the World Bank
- ssrden
- International indices
- Mr. Erkin Kolbaev
- Standard of services
- Tender
- Invitation for Bids
- мониторинг цен
- Request for expressions of interest
- Invitation for Bids
- Projects and research
- World Bank Project
- Межведомственный семинар для областных специалистов органов государственной статистики, здравоохранения и ЗАГС
- пресс-конференция от 13.01.2017
- Batken region
- Пресс-конференция 10.12.2016
- Заседание Коллегии Нацстаткома КР 13.02.2017
- Заседание Совета по статистике 15.02.2017
- Выезное заседание Коллегии Нацстаткома КР в Оше 17.02.2017
- Пресс-конференция 10.03.2017
- Встреча журналистов в Пресс-клубе Нацстаткома 31.03.2017
- Пресс-конференция 11.04.2017
- Пресс-конференция 30.05.2017
- проекты и исследования
- проекты и исследования
- проекты и исследования
- пресс-клуб 16.06.2017
- Пресс-конференция от 11.07.2017
- Пресс-конференция от 12.09.2017
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