The volume of coal production and lignite (thous. tons)

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023  
Kyrgyz Republic 2 606 2 677.7 3 062.5 3 775.4 4 084
Batken oblast 422.6 475.6 654.9 774.9 954.5
Jalal-Abat oblast 120.4 300.9 264.5 191.7 355.1
Yssyk-Kul oblast 16.1
Naryn oblast 1 252.2 1 366 1 268 1 831.8 1 746.7
Osh oblast 810.8 535.2 875.1 977 1 011.6
Chui oblast
Bishkek city1
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR