Total population by nationality (assessment at the beginning of the year, people)

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023  
Total 6 389 500 6 523 529 6 636 803 6 747 323 7 037 590
Kyrgyz 4 695 646 4 804 369 4 896 182 4 995 877
Russians 348 935 344 950 341 351 335 237
Uzbeks 940 628 964 379 985 358 999 300
Ukrainians 10 600 9 943 9 243 8 402
Germans 8 201 8 179 8 132 7 886
Tatars 26 992 26 732 26 507 26 079
Kazakhs 36 022 36 396 36 706 36 854
Armenians 793 788 778 759
Tajiks 56 219 57 612 58 913 60 148
Azerbaijanians 20 771 21 153 21 389 21 607
Chechens 1 701 1 707 1 708 1 709
Belorussians 816 768 736 705
Georgians 569 574 575 574
Lithuanians 148 148 144 141
Moldavians 369 361 362 356
Latvians 74 75 74 75
Turkmens 2 142 2 150 2 150 2 159
Estonians 96 95 93 87
Jews 447 445 433 422
Uigurs 58 168 59 367 60 210 61 033
Dungans 72 240 73 977 75 437 76 573
Koreans 17 105 17 124 17 094 16 950
Turks 44 112 44 773 45 322 45 899
Others 46 706 47 464 47 906 48 491
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR