
# Publications Periodicity Publications Archive
1 "Kyrgyzstan" brief statistical handbook Annual April
2 20 years independence of the Kyrgyz Republic Special edition 2011
3 Activities of enterprises with foreign investments in the Kyrgyz Republic Annual October
4 Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic Annual October
5 Consumer market of the Kyrgyz Republic Annual September
6 Control over the traffic in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors in the Kyrgyz Republic Special edition 2019
7 Crime and public order in the Kyrgyz Republic Special edition October
8 Crime and public order in the Kyrgyz Republic Once in 5 years 3 quater
9 Demographic yearbook of the Kyrgyz Republic Annual September
10 Employment and unemployment. Results of the integrated sample survey of household and labour force budgets Annual 4 quater
11 External and mutual trade of the Kyrgyz Republic (annual publication) Annual 4 quater
12 Health of the population and Health Care in the Kyrgyz Republic Once in 5 years October
13 Information and communication technologies of the Kyrgyz Republic Annual October
14 Input-output tables of production and use of goods and services of the Kyrgyz Republic Once every three years March
15 Investments in the Kyrgyz Republic Annual September
16 Kyrgyzstan in figures Annual June
17 Manufacturing industry of the Kyrgyz Republic Annual October
18 Monitoring of the Sustainable Development indicators in the Kyrgyz Republic 2020 2020
19 National accounts of the Kyrgyz Republic Annual December
20 Prices in the Kyrgyz Republic Аnnual March
21 Small and medium business in the Kyrgyz Republic Annual October
22 Statistical Yearbook of the Kyrgyz Republic Annual December
23 Surveys Time Budget Once in 5 years 1 quater
24 The environment in the Kyrgyz Republic Annual November
25 The standard of living of the population of the Kyrgyz Republic Annual November
26 Tourism in Kyrgyzstan Annual July
27 Women and men in the Kyrgyz Republic Annual November
28 Youth in the Kyrgyz Republic 2014-2018. Special Edition 2019